For The Joy: Choosing Joy In Hard Seasons

Choosing Joy in Hard Seasons

For the joy… That phrase has been playing in my head for the better part of a week. It’s a phrase from Hebrews. Right after the list of the faithful like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who endured and trusted God, we read about a Man who surpasses them all in faithful living toward God’s calling. … Read more

Ask and Seek: An Invitation to Pray

Ask and Receive

 Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, … Read more

God is Faithful

God is faithful

Last week we looked at God’s ways and how they really don’t match up with ours. He has a weird way of doing things that goes against what we understand or expect. A city was brought down by an army marching around it and blowing trumpets. A prostitute was used as a way to protect … Read more

God is Weird: Celebrating His Unpredictable Ways

God is weird

I’ve started digging into the book of Joshua in the Old Testament, and what I’m finding is a new understanding of a section of Scripture that I thought I understood well. The book opens with God’s call of Joshua. Moses, the leader of Israel, has died and God is raising up Joshua to lead his … Read more

Engaging in God’s Word: The Bible as Conversation

My original thought had been to go into the Christian bookstore to pick up a couple of the books on my list of things to read this year. But of course I can’t just pick up those books and leave. I have to roam. Literally every aisle of books. Some of them more than once. … Read more

He Came For Love

He came for love

I can’t stop thinking about that first Christmas. I keep picturing the scene—Mary kneeling beside her child, smiling. Joseph with a protective hand on his wife’s shoulder. The animals gathered around, calm and quiet. The shepherds standing outside the tiny stable. The Magi kneeling with gifts. Such a serene image.  But I doubt it actually … Read more

Thankful for the Cross

he chose the cross

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. ~1 John 4:10 The last several hours had crawled by. From the garden to this bloody hill, Jesus had very little time to rest. His accusers had toted Him around Jerusalem looking … Read more

Daily Sabbath: The Importance of Rest

sabbath the importance of rest

Daily Sabbath… That phrase has been sitting on my head all week, like a reminder. Yes, you have a lot to do, Jazmin; but don’t forget to rest.  I don’t think we know what rest really means in our culture. America is all about going and doing. Seven day work weeks. Seven days that stores … Read more

Grasping a Little, Getting Grace Upon Grace

grasping a little getting grace

She had been bleeding for twelve years. No doctors could help her and no amount of money, medicine, or medical attention had been able to fix her disorder. She was at the end of her rope, grasping for anything that had even the slightest chance to heal her. Perhaps it was a normal day when … Read more

Psalm 139: A Reminder that You Are Known

Psalm 139

In many ways this has been a hard week. I’m still struggling to keep my head above water. There’s always so much to do and I’ve been exhausted. But the week has been good too. I’ve seen improvements in myself and my students. I feel like I’m starting to understand the lingo at school and … Read more