Connecting with God in Your Busy Season

My calendar is booked up pretty tight this fall. With writing projects, family events, and making a transition out of one job and hopefully into a new one, I cannot add a single thing to my plate.

Normally I avoid this kind of season because it makes me anxious. I’m a detail person so when I have a lot of big things on the calendar, I don’t just see the big things, but all of the little details that need to be done to get each big thing done. It’s overwhelming and stress-inducing and I honestly hate seasons like this.

Correction. I don’t hate the season because really everything on my calendar is good and I’ve been intentional with what I’ve said yes and no to.

What I actually hate is this disconnect with God I tend to feel during this busy seasons. I have to put my head down, do the work, and when I finally come up for air, sometimes I realize I didn’t make time for God once that day. And that throws me off.

In this season, I’m trying to avoid that disconnect. I know from past experiences that the only way I can move through the busyness with grace is by staying in constant conversation with God.

If you find yourself in a busy season here are three things to keep in mind that will help you to stay connected with God.

1. Know your season

When I start getting busy one of the first things I ask myself is if I’m unnecessarily busy. Sometimes seasons are just busy and everything is happening all at the same time and you can’t do anything about that.

Other times our busy season is because we packed too much in.

What kind of busyness are you in right now? Did it all land on the calendar at the same time or did you overbook yourself and squeeze in one more thing?

If it’s the later, it’s probably time to cut some things, quit some things, and say a few hard nos to make some space.

If it’s just the season you’re in, you still might need to say some hard nos, but also recognize that this is just a season and actually this busyness might be a blessing.

Yesterday on my way to work I was complaining to God about how packed out my schedule was, how I didn’t like it, and I asked him why in the world all the deadlines and events ended up in the same twelve week span. Once I finished my rant, a single word filled my mind.


Suddenly all my busyness took a new perspective. Some of these things on my calendar–submitting a book proposal, attending a writing conference, launching my first printed Bible study–are things I’ve been working hard toward for the last two years. And now like a garden that needs some tending and picking, this season has become a harvest one. It takes a lot of effort, but there is fruit to be seen.

That word helped me understand this season, to remember that it is a season and life will slow down again in a few months and that the work I’m doing isn’t just for the sake of busyness. There is an end result I’m working toward, and right now that means putting in a little extra effort and time.

One easy way to connect with God in your busyness is to just stay in conversation with him about this season. Tell him what’s hard. Celebrate the successes. Ask him the hard questions like, “Why am I so busy?!” And then take time to listen.

2. Stay Focused

Busy seasons tend to require us to juggle a lot of different balls. We may have several things going on at once, multiple people in our family who need to get to various places. But one of the easiest things is to just focus on one thing at a time.

One of my coworkers used the expression, “The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.”

Make a list of all the things if that helps you. Get it all out of your brain and on paper and then ask God to show you the priorities. Ask him to help you focus on one thing and leave the rest at his feet. I’ve found he’s very good at managing my to-do list and helping me not freak out as I tackle tasks.

But while you focus on one thing at a time, also stay focused on the One who holds your day and your heart in his hands. At the end of the day, whether you meet that deadline or show up on time or get that thing done your focus needs to rest on him.

When we settle our focus on God, when we remember that this life isn’t just about accomplishing and achieving and doing, but being devoted to relationship with God, we’re able to breathe a little deeper. We’re able to unwind our identity from what we have to do and remember who we are.

We are children of God, and we have things to do, but those things don’t define us. God does.

3. Make God the Priority

This one should apply in any season, no matter how busy we are. Making God our priority is just a good decision.

When we choose to invest in that relationship, when we make time to meet with him, talk with him, worship him in the midst of the busy, we find connection. We can find our grounding in him so that no matter what the schedule throws at us, we know where we stand and Who stands with us.

Dear heart, don’t let this busy season overwhelm you. Instead, do as Paul instructs the Colossians:

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

~Colossians 3:1-3

Looking for more ways to connect with God in your busy season? Check out my #10daydevochallenge. This challenge provides 10 easy prompts to connect with God in out of the box ways. It’s meant to help shake up your normal devoted routine and give you new ways to spend time with the Lord no matter your season. You can sign up to take the challenge here.

Related: How to Connect with God in Hard Seasons

Live in his love!

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