God’s Provision: More than Enough

More than enough

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:19 (ESV) Based on John 6:1-15 (CSB) As Philip looked out over the landscape, everywhere his eye fell, all he could see were people. Probably thousands of them, stretched out in this large mass, everyone having … Read more

God’s Provision: Just Enough for this Season

Just enough for this season

Based on 1 Kings 17:8-16 (CSB) The woman bent, reaching for another small twig to add to her measly bundle. The famine had lasted far longer than anyone expected, and the city had nearly exhausted all of it’s supplies. What was left was being strictly rationed. With her jars nearly empty, the woman had ventured … Read more

God’s Provision: Just Enough For Today

God provides just enough for today

Based on Exodus 16 (CSB) Moses wiped his brow as the desert sun beat down on him. The heat of the day would be behind them soon, but for now they would have to endure. Moses sat outside his newly erected tent, watching the rest of the community rest in the shade. It had been … Read more